Friday, March 30, 2012

In Memory Of Kaitlyn Stoutsenburger, 08/10/1989 - 03/22/2012

The queen of the Tinker Bell fan club. The talented one that would always try to include me in the choir and drama things even though I was severely lacking in the talent department. Haha, you set me up on my first blind date ever...which turned out to be absolutely terrible. You were one of the first people to befriend me my first year of public school in 9th grade. I remember all the times we would sluff class and make up the most ridiculous excuses. All those times we would practice musical arrangements for various school things or for absolutely no reason at all but just for the pure fun and enjoyment of it. All those fun, random adventures we would have when hanging out. Our many late night conversations. Haha and girl, you sure can move on the dance floor. So much talent for such a small-town "ordinary" girl. Girl, you weren't ordinary at all! You saved my skin so many times and always watched out for my well-being. I'm only sorry I didn't take more advantage of the time I was fortunate enough to have you in my life. But I look forward to the day that I can hug you again and tell you that in person. I love you, Kate Stoutsenberger. Keep developing those 5 Star talents of yours! ;)

One of my dear friends passed away on Thursday, March 22 around 9:30 A.M.
Kaitlyn, affectionately known as Kat, had been one of my best friends since 9th grade (my first year in public school) and was one of the very first people to befriend me. It was during auditions for the play Crazy For You that we met. She took me under her wing and would rehearse with me in the lunch room almost every day after school. We remained really close until the beginning of senior year when I transferred schools. Life kept changing, and we did too...and just grew apart, going in our new paths. We talked from time to time over the past few years, but I foolishly stopped talking to her at a time in my life when I was trying to eliminate stress and drama. I stupidly thought that getting rid of a lot of the people in my life would take care of that for me. Needless to say, that was one of the biggest mistakes I could have made. The guilt and heartache that I feel for making that choice is excruciating...but somehow, through this past week, I've felt her love for me and had the peace that she knows I love her and always did.

Your viewing on Wednesday was absolutely your style, Kat. There was a playlist of your favorite songs going on, bright and cheerful flowers everywhere, pictures and posters of most of your performances, blue ballons, even your casket was a pretty blue, and you even had on a white top with a cute blue sweater and a blue flower in your hair. :) It was a difficult night for everyone, but everything about it was exactly your style and it was almost as if you were trying to say "Hey guys, I'm okay now, SMILE." There was the most beautiful sunset, and then it started to sprinkle. Very fitting. :)
Your funeral services were yesterday...and boy was it beautiful. Your parents were having a little more of a struggle than the night before, but your sisters seemed to be doing a little better than the night before. I'm sure there will be good days and bad days for quite some time. The entire service was comprised of musical numbers performed by some of your friends, your cousins, and your sisters. Your aunt spoke in the middle of the program and your bishop spoke at the end and bore his testimony. Haha your aunt is hilarious, but mostly because of what she had to say about you and your quick-witted humor. Your aunt told a story of time when you were on your way home from working at Spanish 8 Theater and it was really late, and you got pulled over by one of Spanish Fork's finest. He asked for your license and registration and once you gave it to him he said "Hey, your eyes are kind of red and bloodshot, have you been smoking pot?" and without missing a beat you replied "Hey, your eyes are kind of glazed over, have you been eating doughnuts?" to which he gave you your ID back and said "Get home safely." Hahaha, another story that she told was about this girl that would make fun of you all the time when you were a Jr. in high school and one time she said "You dress like a 7th grader." and you instantly popped off with "Well I guess you would know since you were there for 3 years." Hahaha oh those stories just get me, because that is TOTALLY how you were! You were so kind and so genuine and sweet, but if anybody messed with you or your loved ones...WATCH OUT! ;p A couple of the musical numbers were Jimmy and Chad sang a duet that was sooo good, and Jimmy sang a song that was uh-may-zing! He did his absolute best to keep his composure but completely lost it towards the was so precious. Your grave site was lovely and your father gave a sweet dedicatory prayer. The weather was very beautiful and sunny with a slight breeze. Very peaceful. :)
Anyway, I would go on and on with every little detail if I could. Soooo many people came to both your viewing the night before, and the services the next day. You impacted a TON of lives. :)
It's hard to understand why things happen the way they do...and it's hard to understand death...more-so this time around than with any other losses I've experienced. But I know that you are happy. I know that you are healthy and not in pain anymore. You were ill for as long as I knew you. I bet you're putting together the best choir ever up there. ;)

Rest In Peace, my dear Kat. You will forever be in my heart.

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