Thursday, July 4, 2013

In And Out And In Dependence

Happy 4th of July and food and fun and fireworks! Look at us, we made a HUGE turn around in history when some guy wearing a wig and pretentious smile turned to another guy wearing a tailcoat and monocle, to put together one of the greatest writings this nation has ever been blessed with - the Declaration of Independence. Forgive me if I sound a little sardonic at times, I promise you it is not a huffy whine of an ingrate, it's just that I have a very bittersweet taste in my mouth from the sugar coated ideology that is the American "Independence" of today. We all know the history of this amazing day and quite frankly it is amazing for so many reasons - it has given us the ability to move and think and say and do and advance in just about every way imaginable. It might sound like I'm talking about the Constitution, but while that is another wonderful piece of paper, it is not going to share the spotlight today. I am no political guru or historical buff, not by any means...but I do live in America (though sometimes I wonder if the other inhabitants are still living in America in their hearts and in their minds...much of the time it seems the lights are on but nobody's home...) and I truly fear for myself and my loved ones and their loved ones, etc., etc., on a daily basis. America has become so fixated on a hypnotic state of independence that everything is just as free as it used to be...that we are just as free as we used to be. Granted, there are many who are "wising up" and trying their darnedest to have their little voices shouting from the top of their little lungs on their little anthill be heard and heeded by the giants of the land who can so swiftly crush our semiannual parade-going, bbq-ing, firework-ing, red-white-and-blue-wearing, star-spangled-banner-singing lives to nothing but dust. At least we had some delicious hamburgers and got to make designs in the night air with our sparklers...weeeeeee...!

Charlotte Bronte, a character in one of my favorite books (Jane Eyre) said, “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” Alright miss Bronte, we share the sentiment, and we will continue to prove it by droning about the land fulfilling all the duties of a "free" America(n) by being corporate slaves, media slaves, domestic slaves, political slaves...we are bought and paid for...but at least we have our independent will! ;D If Thomas Paine stated “These are the times that try men's souls.” way back in the late 1700's, he would roll over in his grave if he knew how much worse things have been and what exactly "We the people..." has turned into with today's society and leaders. We have such a skewed sense of what freedom is now days, somehow the word freedom has had a Siamese twin baby and it's name is rebellion and ignorance. “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” - Benjamin Franklin

After all that babbling, I feel I have quenched my blog-thirst and it is now time to rest my everything so that I can fully participate in the "Freedom Festival" of this national holiday. All the aforementioned having been said, I do wish to say one final peace...
To all the men and women who continually give of themselves in order to maintain the freedom that this nation does have - I thank you. I commend you. To all the hearts and minds of true patriotism - never stand still, but be immovable. To all those who have gone before, I am truly grateful. Let Freedom Ring.

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