Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is just a silly rambling about something random that stuck out to me and made me laugh quite a bit. I have no idea why, but a couple weeks ago for some odd reason I saw a Banana peel on the sidewalk while walking from my car to my apartment after a normal day of work. It seemed rather comical to me that this peel was just sitting in the middle of the sidewalk positioned in such a way that it almost looked like it was done on purpose. I instantly thought of somebody walking along not paying attention to their surroundings and slipping on it just like in the cartoons, feet going up over their head and landing flat on the ground with a *THUD* while anything they may have been holding in their hands goes flying into the air and scattering all over the place. Being careful not to live through my cartoon-like daydream I stepped over the peel and continued to my home. For some reason it seemed that from that point on Bananas were the universe's subject of the week to be brought to my attention. My roommate had Banana in her cereal one morning, then someone made Banana pancakes or muffins or something one day. Once I had stopped noticing anything Banana related, it seemed that I was in the clear and I forgot about the whole situation...until one day after work there was a Banana peel on the pavement next to my car. Now is this an omen of some sort or just a coincidence or something entirely different...? All I know is that it made that week much more interesting than it probably normally would have been. So for what it's worth, thank goodness for Bananas and the comical relief they bring to life.


  1. LOL! What, no Bananas in Pajamas? ;]

  2. Haha seriously, you'd think so! That would've just made it all the better!


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