Friday, January 23, 2009

Me And My Shadow

Have you ever stopped to think about your shadow? Does it ever get lonely?
While on a run one night as part of my ritualistic workout, consumed in thought and getting my energy boost from the psychological motivation in every beat of music I was listening to as my feet pounded on the ground and my heart speedily thumped against my chest; amazed at the city that was already half asleep and progressively shutting down for the night, my senses revved to full alert to any sound or movement going on around me. As my eyes flickered to and from the ground back to the street, to the sky etc., I caught view of a forgotten friend. This friend of mine had divided into three, showing me that I was indeed not running alone. I felt an odd sense of protection as I ran in the dark cold night with the company of my shadow. With every step I took, she did the same. With every movement of my arms, she was in sync. Any time I stopped, so did she. I felt watched over, cared for...running with my shadow. This is a feeling so difficult for me to fully describe, but is one of the more significant feelings one could ever experience. It was really good to see this forgotten friend. I wondered where she had been, if it had ever been lonely, if she felt neglected or unwanted or nonessential. She seemed to be doing well in spite of my past ignorance to her. Though she ran with me all the way home, she left without warning the moment I went inside. The company was very nice to have and I missed it. Where does she go when she goes home? How often does she come to see me without my notice? For her to surround me in such a protecting manner was and is greatly appreciated. I hope to see her again soon. And yet, I know that she is always with me though I may not always see her, a constant, watching over me even when I run in the pureness of light, she is there. And so we run. Me and my Shadow.

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